Sunsets on Merseyside
The Setting Sun behind the Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral. May 23rd, 1997.
Image ©1997, David Forshaw
The Setting Sun behind the Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral. May 21st, 1998.
Image ©1998, David Forshaw
The Setting Sun behind the Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral. May 21st, 1998.
Image ©1998, David Forshaw
The Setting Sun behind the Liverpool Echo Office Building (as was) and Mossley Hill Church. May 21st, 1998.
Image ©1998, David Forshaw
The Setting Sun behind the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. May 30th, 1998
Image ©1998, David Forshaw
Above images photographed from Mersey heights, Frodsham. Taken via prime focus through a Celestron C5 Telescope, f10. Using Agfa 200 slide film, by David Forshaw.
Assorted Images
Four planets – from the top: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. Taken in Eccleston, St Helens. 27th February, 1999
Image ©1999, David Forshaw
Mock Sun (a.k.a. Sundog) taken from the Algarve on 15th February, 1999
Image ©1999, David Forshaw
Above images taken with 50mm lens/Pentax K1000 on Agfa 200 film
All Images are © David Forshaw
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