Where to look for aliens in the Solar System, what happens when you hit a gas giant with a big snowball, the Horsehead in infra-red, and more…
- Oldest Known Star Older Than The Universe? (Learn Astronomy HQ, 2nd April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Aliens most likely to be found on icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, UK scientists suggest (Daily Telegraph, 16th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- The Big Bang didn’t need God to set it off, says Stephen Hawking (Daily Mail, 18th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Kepler Discovers Smallest ‘Habitable Zone’ Planets to Date (NASA Science News 18th April 2013, Submitted by Gerard Gilligan)
- Astronomers discover the universe’s star factory: A giant galaxy that creates 3,000 Suns every year (Daily Mail, 18th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Welcome to Earth II… and III: Astronomers hail ‘most similar’ planets to ours ever found (Daily Mail, 18th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Hubble reveals Horsehead Nebula in unprecedented detail (Daily Mail, 19th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- NASA’s Hubble Sees a Horsehead of a Different Color (NASA website, 19th April 2013, Submitted by Gerard Gilligan)
- Researchers reveal nano coating that could revolutionise space travel (Daily Mail, 19th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Did life exist BEFORE Earth? Researchers calculate it began 10 billion years ago – predating our planet (Daily Mail, 20th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Nasa image reveals the magnetic ‘bubble’ that is protecting the Earth from solar particles as it speeds through space (Daily Mail, 22nd April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- 130,000km per hour meteor turns night to day as it enters atmosphere over concert in Argentina (Daily Mail, 22nd April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Grains of sand from ancient supernova found in meteorites (e! Science News, 22nd April 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- Two ‘super-Earths’ targeted in hunt for alien life (Daily Telegraph, 22nd April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Hubble gets first glimpse of ISON as it moves closer to Earth (Daily Mail, 23rd April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Hubble Captures Comet ISON (HubbleSite, 23rd April 2013, Submitted by Gerard Gilligan)
- Jupiter got a soaking from comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (New Scientist, 24th April 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- Ice-bound hunter sees first hint of cosmic neutrinos (New Scientist, 24th April 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- Mysterious Hot Spots Observed in Cool Red Supergiant (ScienceDaily, 24th April 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- Large Hadron Collider: results hint at where all the antimatter has gone (Daily Telegraph, 24th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- NASA Probe Observes Meteors Colliding With Saturn’s Rings (NASA Website, 25th April 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- Nasa captures astonishing moment meteors smash into Saturn’s rings (Daily Mail, 25th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
- Global experts agree action needed on space debris (ESA Website, 25th April 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- LED streetlamp aims to improve public’s view of stars (LAS via BBC, 25th April 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- Contests to name moons and exoplanets irk International Astronomical Union (Phys.Org, 25th april 2013, Submitted by Mark Galvin)
- ‘Icicles of death’ discovered deep in polar oceans could hold clues to the origins of first life on Earth (Daily Mail, 25th April 2013, Submitted by Ken Clarke)
If you have any astronomy, space or science news items you think should be included in the next Roundup, please feel free to send them to us by clicking here!