Sic Itur Ad Astra – Thus The Way To The Stars : 143 years of astronomy
If you can see this message then you are using a browser (probably Internet Explorer) which does not support the international web standards used by the LAS website and many others. Click here for an example of how the site should look.
Please consider using an alternative browser - especially if you are on Windows XP which only supports the outdated Internet Explorer 8 browser - such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome which do have support for these web standards. As well as not supporting modern features and web standards, old versions of browsers - especially Internet Explorer - can expose your computer to security risks. The Browse Happy website has a list of the latest versions of all major browsers, including Internet Explorer (but remember Windows XP only supports up to IE8!)
If updating/changing your browser is not possible, do not panic - all of the LAS website is still available to you and we are working to make the layout compatible with outdated browsers.
This is just a short post to let you know that the main menu has been re-organised.
The menu was beginning to get cluttered, so we have rearranged some of the items.
There are two new top-level items – “Information” and “Contact & Interact”.
The “Information” section (next to “Home”) now contains the links to the e-Newsletter, FAQ and Young Astronomers’ pages, as well as a new Welcome message.
The “Contact & Interact” contains links to our Contact page and to our Forum.
The Links section is now listed under “News & Resources”