Sic Itur Ad Astra – Thus The Way To The Stars : 143 years of astronomy
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Liverpool Astronomical Society with Wirral Ranger ServicesInvite you to a November Star Party9th November 2024 from 7pm to 9pmatWirral Country ParkThurstaston Visitor CentreStation Road, CH61 0HN0151 648 4371 / […]Continue Reading »
The December 2022 monthly meeting of Liverpool Astronomical Society for the 2022-2023 session will be held on Friday, December 9th from 19:00 to 21:00 with a break for tea/coffee and […]Continue Reading »
Liverpool Astronomical Society with Dee Sailing Club Invite you to a Star Party at Dee Sailing Club Station Road, Thurstaston CH61 0HN Come and be inspired by the […]Continue Reading »
5th October 14:00 – EVENT CANCELLED Message from the Croxteth Park Volunteers Group Please be aware that we have had to cancel our Astronomy Night on health and safety grounds […]Continue Reading »
This event was rescheduled from October 5th 2019 Liverpool Astronomical Society with Croxteth Hall & Country Park Invite you to a Star Party at Croxteth Hall (Main House) […]Continue Reading »
Please note that this event takes place on a Sunday evening Liverpool Astronomical Society with Sefton Park Palm House Invite you to a Star Party at The Palm […]Continue Reading »
Liverpool Astronomical Society with Wirral Ranger Services Invite you to a Spring Star Party 24th March 2018 from 7pm to 9pm at Wirral Country Park Thurstaston Visitor Centre Station Road, […]Continue Reading »
This venue for this event has changed! It was previously held at Wirral Country Park. Liverpool Astronomical Society with Dee Sailing Club Invite you to a Star Party at Dee […]Continue Reading »