Sic Itur Ad Astra – Thus The Way To The Stars : 143 years of astronomy
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Liverpool Astronomical Society with Wirral Ranger ServicesInvite you to a November Star Party9th November 2024 from 7pm to 9pmatWirral Country ParkThurstaston Visitor CentreStation Road, CH61 0HN0151 648 4371 / […]Continue Reading »
Liverpool Astronomical Society in association with Liverpool Central Library and Liverpool World Museum would like to invite everybody to join us on Saturday, 10th December 2022 for a day celebrating […]Continue Reading »
For the past two years the restrictions of the global pandemic have meant that the Liverpool Astronomical Society has not been able to share our fascination for the night sky […]Continue Reading »
This event was rescheduled from 15th May 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic The May 2022 monthly meeting of Liverpool Astronomical Society for the 2019 – 2022 (138th) session is […]Continue Reading »
It’s Completely Free! The LAS is happy to return to the annual MakeFest event again this year, on Saturday 1st July in Liverpool’s Central Library. It’s a ‘Fab’ welcome back […]Continue Reading »
The LAS will be at the annual MakeFest event again this year, on Saturday 29th June, with a selection of Apollo memorabilia (in the run-up to our own event at […]Continue Reading »
Join us on Saturday, 20th July at Liverpool’s Central Library for a day celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. We’ll be at the Library from 10am […]Continue Reading »
As part of the informal activities initiative, a free Remote Imaging Workshop will take place with Pete Williamson FRAS. The workshop is for LAS members and members of the North […]Continue Reading »