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Monthly Meeting, Friday 13th February 2015
Friday, 13th February 2015 @ 18:30 - 21:00 GMT
The February 2015 monthly meeting of Liverpool Astronomical Society for session 2014-15, will take place on Friday, February 13th 2015 from 7pm.
Our guest speaker this month is Professor Jamie Gilmour, Professor of Planetary Science, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Manchester University, whose lecture is entitled
“The Evolution of the Solar System”
Could existing members please note that if your 2014-2015 subscriptions are yet to be paid, your membership is regarded as lapsed.
In this case, please contact the Treasurer, Chris Banks, ASAP.
Adult Annual Subscription is £15.00
Junior Members Subscription (10 to 17yrs) is £5.00
The LAS e-newsletter is now included in your normal subscription cost
Free tea/coffee with light refreshments break will form part of the evening at about 8pm.
Please note – Doors will only open after 6pm and not before.
I do hope you can join me and your fellow members next Friday evening, but if you are unable to attend, please indicate your apologies to me by filling out this form.
With best wishes – Gerard