- This event has passed.
Monthly Meeting: Friday, 16th November, 2018
Friday, 16th November 2018 @ 19:00 - 21:00 GMT
The November 2018 monthly meeting of Liverpool Astronomical Society for the 2018 – 2019 (137th) session will be held on Friday, November 16th from 19:00 to 21:00.
Our guest speaker this month is Mr. Peter Williamson FRAS, whose lecture is entitled:
“Remote Telescopes for Education & Public Access”
Mr. Williamson will talk to members about the various remote telescopes around the world which allow non-academics such as amateur astronomers to book time and take images themselves.
Subscriptions for the current session 2018-2019 are now overdue and should have been paid by October 1st.
Please contact the Treasurer if you wish to become a member or update your subscription.
Adult Annual Subscription is £15.00
Junior Members Subscription (10 to 17yrs) is £5.00
The LAS e-newsletter is now included in your normal subscription cost
Free tea/coffee with light refreshments break will form part of the evening at about 8pm.
Please note – Doors will only open after 6.30pm and not before.
I do hope you can join me and your fellow members, but if you are unable to attend, please indicate your apologies to me by filling out this form.
With best wishes – Mark