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Young Astronomers Day 13 Details

Friday, 24th April 1998 @ 00:00 BST

Dear Young Astronomer

The Liverpool Astronomical Society is pleased to announce it’s 17th Young Astronomers day. The meeting will be held at NMGM – Liverpool Museum, William Brown St on April 24th 1998., in the Basement Lecture Theatre. Access can be gained via the disabled entrance to the left of the main steps. The meeting will start at 10:00am and finish at 1:00pm.

The cost of entry is £1.20, payable at the door.
Do not Send money Now!

The theme of the day will be an Unmanned Spaceflight. There will be a Planetarium show and time permitting, you will have a visit of the Society’s City Observatory on top of the Museum. You will also be shown how to make a Camera Obscura (a Pinhole Camera) to project the Sun, for this you will need to bring a shoe box.

The age limit for the meeting is between 9 and 15 years of age. There are 66 places available for this meeting and they will be filled on a first come first served basis. Feel free to tell your friend about this meeting.

For every YAD member who sends us the address of a friend who then turns up at the meeting, you and your friend (or friends) will only pay 90p entry fee. Also the first three applications received will have 60p knocked off the full entry fee. So you could pay as little as 30p entry fee if you introduce a friend to the YAD and you’re quick to reply!!!

Please send for applications form to this address:-
Mr Colin Murray
(Contact details removed as no longer valid)


Friday, 24th April 1998
00:00 BST
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World Museum, Liverpool (formerly NMGM Liverpool Museum)
World Museum, William Brown St
Liverpool, Merseyside L3 8EN United Kingdom
+ Google Map
0151 478 4393