Sic Itur Ad Astra – Thus The Way To The Stars : 143 years of astronomy
If you can see this message then you are using a browser (probably Internet Explorer) which does not support the international web standards used by the LAS website and many others. Click here for an example of how the site should look.
Please consider using an alternative browser - especially if you are on Windows XP which only supports the outdated Internet Explorer 8 browser - such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome which do have support for these web standards. As well as not supporting modern features and web standards, old versions of browsers - especially Internet Explorer - can expose your computer to security risks. The Browse Happy website has a list of the latest versions of all major browsers, including Internet Explorer (but remember Windows XP only supports up to IE8!)
If updating/changing your browser is not possible, do not panic - all of the LAS website is still available to you and we are working to make the layout compatible with outdated browsers.
Come along to our stargazing evening where we’ll have telescopes in which you can view the night sky if clear. There will also be an illustrated talk about the wonders of the solar system at 7.15pm and repeating it at 8pm (lasting about half an hour). All ages are welcome although the talk is aimed […]
Journey into our universe with members of Liverpool Astronomical Society, to observe our nearest planetary neighbours. There will be space based creative activities, telescopes to observe the Sun and other planets and short talks about the solar system during the course of the day. This event is included in general admission to Norton Priory Museum […]
The February 2025 monthly meeting of Liverpool Astronomical Society for the 2024-2025 session will be held on Friday, February 21st from 19:00 to 21:20. About This Meeting Please note that this meeting's running order will be slightly altered from the usual, with the lecture taking place from 19:00 and Society Business after the tea-break. Please […]