Sic Itur Ad Astra – Thus The Way To The Stars : 143 years of astronomy
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Stadt Moers Park, Huyton
Pottery Lane, Huyton, United Kingdom
Members of the Liverpool Astronomical Society, (founded in 1881), will display several telescopes for viewing the night sky if clear. There will also be an illustrated talk on astronomy. This […]
The Quaker Meeting House in Liverpool City Centre
The Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Mark is an observational astronomer who teaches both on-campus Physics and Astrophysics students, as well as distance learning Astronomy students. He has been responsible for leading the redevelopment and upgrade […]
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom
Week long UCLAN Lancashire Science week with Solar scopes, desk and displays. We will be helping out along side PADAS on the last day which is the public day. Organised […]
Miller and Carter Steakhouse (formerly Harvester Otterspool)
Otterspool Drive, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Come along to our Solar Day at the Miller & Carter Steakhouse, Otterspool, L17 5AL from 13:00 until 17:00 where we’ll have specially adapted telescopes in which you can safely […]
World Museum, Liverpool (formerly NMGM Liverpool Museum)
World Museum, William Brown St, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Join Professor Laurence Garvie, an expert on meteorites from Arizona State University where he conducts research and curates the globally significant meteorite collection. Find out more about his amazing findings […]
Liverpool Central Library
William Brown Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
It’s Completely Free! The LAS is happy to return to the annual MakeFest event again this year, on Saturday 1st July in Liverpool's Central Library. It’s a ‘Fab’ welcome back […]
The Daresbury Open Day is back on Saturday 15th July 2023! The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the Sci-Tech Daresbury campus are throwing open their doors for a […]