General questions about using the LAS website

  • What are News Feeds?

    • News Feeds provide a way for you to be notified when a new article is added to the LAS website. Please see this page for more information.
  • Why do some links have a line through them?

    • This indicates a broken link.
      Links are automatically checked on a periodic basis (generally every 3 days), and if found to be no longer valid at the time of the scan, are marked with a strike-through: like this.
      Sometimes links are marked like this due to temporary internet problems, and can clear up quickly, but it most cases, it’s because the website the link points at has rearranged its pages or has gone entirely.
      Most links on our site are valid, however there are some (particularly those migrated from our pre-2004 website) for which we have not been able to find their new URLs (addresses). If you see a broken link and know of its new/correct address, please let us know so we can update it. There is a message at the top of our Links page with how to do this.