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Click here for an example of how the site should look.
Please consider using an alternative browser - especially if you are on Windows XP which only supports the outdated Internet Explorer 8 browser - such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome which do have support for these web standards. As well as not supporting modern features and web standards, old versions of browsers - especially Internet Explorer - can expose your computer to security risks. The Browse Happy website has a list of the latest versions of all major browsers, including Internet Explorer (but remember Windows XP only supports up to IE8!)
If updating/changing your browser is not possible, do not panic - all of the LAS website is still available to you and we are working to make the layout compatible with outdated browsers.
In the meantime, you will have to scroll down a way to see the page you wish to view. You can also skip past the moon phase info, etc. and click here after you've loaded a page to jump to the content.
Where can I find a list of your meetings?
Are your meetings for LAS Members only, or can members of the public come too?
- We often hold public open-days/nights, Star Parties, Sidewalk Astronomy events and BBC Stargazing Live events. Please see our Public Events category.
- Although many of our meetings are for LAS Members, we do open our observatory in Cronton to the public every Wednesday evening at 7pm. Please see the link for details.
- Regular attendance of weekly and/or monthly meetings by non-Members:
While we do welcome members of the public, we do ask you to consider that, since everything is paid for from our Membership subscriptions, if you find yourself attending a Weekly meeting more than 3 times, or a Monthly meeting more than twice, you might consider joining the LAS (the cost is minimal and there are a lot of benefits).
I’m not an LAS Member – can I come to your monthly lectures and talks?
- While we don’t mind this once or twice, and we encourage people to come and see what we do, we do ask that people bear in mind that these events are paid for by all LAS Members and organised in people’s own time, and that to maintain fairness to our paid-up Membership, it would not be fair to allow this to happen more than a few times.
- Regular attendance of weekly and/or monthly meetings by non-Members:
While we do welcome members of the public, we do ask you to consider that, since everything is paid for from our Membership subscriptions, if you find yourself attending a Weekly meeting more than 3 times, or a Monthly meeting more than twice, you might consider joining the LAS (the cost is minimal and there are a lot of benefits).
I’m having trouble with my telescope – can I bring it along?