Sic Itur Ad Astra – Thus The Way To The Stars : 143 years of astronomy
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Liverpool Astronomical Society with Wirral Ranger ServicesInvite you to a November Star Party9th November 2024 from 7pm to 9pmatWirral Country ParkThurstaston Visitor CentreStation Road, CH61 0HN0151 648 4371 / […]Continue Reading »
On Saturday the 1st March I attended the Wirral Star Party with Liverpool Astronomical society. Not coming from Liverpool myself and being a St. Helens girl, I thought I would […]Continue Reading »
Below are some of the images we’ve been sent from last night’s Star Party at Wirral Country Park. As we receive more, the gallery below will update. If you have […]Continue Reading »
Just a message of thanks, once again to all the LAS Members who helped with last night’s Wirral Star Party, which was attended by approx 125 members of the public. […]Continue Reading »
In 2014, Jupiter will be at its highest in UK skies for many years to come, in fact until the year 2025, and to celebrate the event, UK astronomers and local […]Continue Reading »
Join us for an evening of astronomy as part of the National Astronomy Week Explore the universe Telescope views of the Moon and Jupiter (weather permitting!) Illustrated talks This event […]Continue Reading »
Liverpool Astronomical Society and Wirral Ranger Services present The Wirral Star Party 7.00pm Saturday March 16th 2013 Wirral Country Park, Thurstaston, Wirral, CH61 0HN Tel: 0151-648-4271 or 0151-220-8718 This […]Continue Reading »
The Liverpool Astronomical Society and the Wirral Rangers present: A Wirral Star Party The Liverpool Astronomical Society goes “over the water” to Thurstaston Visitor Center, Thurstaston, for a Wirral Star […]Continue Reading »