Images from Weather Satellites

The images below are from Eumetsat’s Real-time Imagery section of their website and cover a variety of wavelengths.
See the description below each image for a guide to interpreting them.

Most recent Western Europe Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE), comprised of data from the 10.8µm (mid-infra-red) spectral channel along with passive microwave. Updated every 15 minutes.
Black=warm, White=cold. Whiter areas are usually cloud cover. Bright cyan/yellow-green areas indicate areas of predicted heavier rainfall.
This image is Copyright 2013 EUMETSAT

Most recent Western Europe RGB Airmass composite. Updated hourly.
This is composed of two water-vapour channels, at 6.2µm and 7.3µm, and two infra-red channels at 9.7µm and 10.8µm.
Low cloud does not stand out unless it of a significantly different temperature to the background (sea or land). High cloud stands out, and air-humidity can be discerned.
In this composite, clear, dry air glows a yellow-ish green, while moist air has blue hues. This can be helpful in predicting the seeing conditions. The reason it’s possible for cloud to be in the same area as dry air is because we are looking at different layers (heights) of the atmosphere merged into one image.
This image is Copyright 2013 EUMETSAT

Most recent UK RGB EVIEW composite. Updated hourly during daylight hours (not updated at night).
This is composed of data from the from the SEVIRI high-resolution visible channel, and also the infra-red channel at 10.8µm.
This combination of spectral channels gives a good idea of cloud cover and a fairly natural feel to the image.
This image is Copyright 2013 EUMETSAT