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Monthly Meeting (Presidential Address), Friday, 15th September, 2017

Friday, 15th September 2017 @ 19:00 - 21:00 BST

The first Monthly Meeting of the 2017 – 2018 (136th) session will be held on Friday, September 15th from 19:00 to 21:30.

This meeting is our Presidential Address, and as such our speaker is LAS President Mr. Steve Southern, whose lecture is entitled:

“My top 10 astronomical objects to Observe”

There will also be a Welcome Buffet.

If your 2016-2017 subscriptions have not yet been paid, your membership has lapsed.
Please contact the Treasurer if you wish to become a member or update your subscription.

Adult Annual Subscription is  £15.00
Junior Members Subscription (10 to 17yrs)  is £5.00

The LAS e-newsletter is now included in your normal subscription cost

Please note – Doors will only open after 6.30pm and not before.

I do hope you can join me and your fellow members, but if you are unable to attend, please indicate your apologies to me by filling out this form.

With best wishes – Ken


Friday, 15th September 2017
19:00 - 21:00 BST
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The Quaker Meeting House in Liverpool City Centre
The Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane
Liverpool, Merseyside L1 3BT United Kingdom
+ Google Map