Membership Subscription Fees

Note: Membership Fees are correct as of January 2024

Membership TypePrice
Adults (18 & above) Annual Subscription£25.00
Juniors (14-17 inclusive) Annual Subscription£5.00

Please note:
Subscriptions are due from 1st October each year and must be paid by January 31st or your membership may be suspended.
If not paid by 31st March your membership will cease.

Paying your Subscription Electronically (e.g. via e-banking)

You can now pay for your subscription via Internet banking.

Name:Liverpool Astronomical Society
Sort Code:60-19-24
Account No.:28521250
Payment Ref.:Use your full name (or as much of it as possible, remove spaces if needed) as the reference, so that our Treasurer can connect your payment to the correct account in the books.

Please contact the Treasurer if you require more information.