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Monthly Meeting: Dr. Kevin Bowman – “Apollo 13: Lucky for Some?”

Friday, 19th February 2021 @ 18:40 - 21:00 GMT

The February 2021 monthly meeting of Liverpool Astronomical Society for the 2019 – 2021 (138th) session will be held on Friday, February 19th from the earlier time of 18:40 to 21:00.

This month’s meeting is going to be structured a little differently than normal – it’s not so much a lecture as a cinematic documentary experience.

Our guest speaker will be Dr. Kevin Bowman of the University of Central Lancashire.
Kevin’s presentation is entitled:

Apollo 13: Lucky for Some?

On April 13th 1970 the Apollo 13 spacecraft was headed for the Moon, passing 200,000 miles from the Earth when an “incident” occurred, crippling the spacecraft. There subsequently followed a chain of events triggering the greatest rescue ever attempted.
In 1995 Ron Howard directed the exceptional film Apollo 13, which in his words “is a dramatization not a documentary of the events”. So what is the real story?
This Friday, Dr. Kevin Bowman explains what really happened. Experience what it was like working in Mission Control as the disaster unfolded, learn what did or could have happened, and then you decide whether Apollo 13 really was “lucky for some”.

Running order

18:40 – 19:00 : Warm up intro slides
19:00 – 20:00 : Documentary runs
20:00 – 20:10 : Break
20:10 – 20:30 (estimated) : Society business, etc.
20:30 (estimated) onwards : Q&A, then meeting officially closes

Best viewed on a large screen with good speakers (and refreshments!)

Kevin tells me that this presentation is meant to be experienced as if you were at the cinema and is best viewed on as large a screen as possible, with as much bass as you can give it, so hook up your subwoofers and get your popcorn ready.

If you can connect your computer/laptop to your TV, please do so 🙂

You can invite friends and family

If you have friends outside of the Society who would like to watch too, you can forward this e-mail to them and they can join in.

Kevin tells me that there are parts during the presentation where the audience is encouraged to ask each other questions, discuss what’s on-screen, etc. – please feel free to do this in the Zoom chat box (but not on camera/microphone, or nobody will be able to hear the presentation 😉)


Please note, due to COVID-19 this meeting is ONLINE-ONLY.
Society members have been sent a Zoom link.

Unfortunately, due to legal restrictions we are NOT able to record for later viewing OR live stream this presentation to YouTube – only those present at the Zoom meeting will be able to watch.

A recording is NOT available for this lecture.


The LAS e-newsletter is now included in your normal subscription cost

I do hope you can join me and your fellow members, but if you are unable to attend, please indicate your apologies to me by filling out this form.

With best wishes – Mark


Friday, 19th February 2021
18:40 - 21:00 GMT
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Dr. Kevin Bowman