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Monthly Meeting (Presidential Address) – Mr. Steve Southern – “Focus on Zeiss Slides from the Gemini/Apollo Era”

Friday, 16th September 2022 @ 19:00 21:00 BST

The first Monthly Meeting of Liverpool Astronomical Society for the 2022 – 2023 (139th) session will be held on Friday, September 16th from 19:00 to 21:00. Those of you wishing to become members may do so at this meeting (see below for more information.)
This meeting is our Presidential Address, and as such our speaker is LAS President Mr. Steve Southern, whose lecture is entitled:

Focus on Zeiss Slides from the Gemini/Apollo Era

Zeiss produced slides in the early days of the NASA Gemini and Apollo missions. The Society has obtained a set of these. My talk describes the slides and a bit about their history.

Following the talk will be a Welcome Buffet
This meeting will be held at our normal venue of the Quaker Meeting House, and will NOT be live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube. For those attending at the QMH: Please try to continue with social distancing and use caution when possible. Also, use the hand sanitiser that will be available. The wearing of masks will be a personal choice and optional for those that wish to continue wearing them. We will continue to ventilate the room. Finally, please do not attend if you have any COVID-like symptoms or have tested positive for COVID that day, or in the days leading up to the meeting. A recording is NOT available for this lecture.

Subscription Info

Note: Membership Fees are correct as of January 2024

Membership TypePrice
Adults (18 & above) Annual Subscription£25.00
Juniors (14-17 inclusive) Annual Subscription£5.00

Please note:
Subscriptions are due from 1st October each year and must be paid by January 31st or your membership may be suspended.
If not paid by 31st March your membership will cease.

Paying your Subscription Electronically (e.g. via e-banking)

You can now pay for your subscription via Internet banking.

Name:Liverpool Astronomical Society
Sort Code:60-19-24
Account No.:28521250
Payment Ref.:Use your full name (or as much of it as possible, remove spaces if needed) as the reference, so that our Treasurer can connect your payment to the correct account in the books.

Please contact the Treasurer if you require more information.

More information about membership can be found here.

The LAS e-newsletter is now included in your normal subscription cost.

  Please note – Doors will only open after 6.30pm and not before.
I do hope you can join me and your fellow members, but if you are unable to attend, please indicate your apologies to me by filling out this form. With best wishes – Mark


Friday, 16th September 2022
19:00 – 21:00 BST
Event Categories:
, , ,
Event Tags:
The Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane
Liverpool, Merseyside L1 3BT United Kingdom
+ Google Map