iPhone video of International Space Station pass, 17th February 2013 18:58 UTC

This is a short video of the ISS pass detailed here: http://www.heavens-above.com/passdetails.aspx?lat=53.41634&lng=-2.940475&loc=Liverpool&alt=10&tz=GMT&satid=25544&mjd=56340.7939304051&type=V

It was taken using an iPhone 4S without any modification or additional equipment. No zoom (digital or otherwise) was used.

The video isn’t the best quality, for the reasons above and because it was very much a last-minute decision to record it.
That said, I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out as well as it did!

I would recommend going to Full Screen mode, as this makes it a lot easier to see.

(Direct link to video: http://youtu.be/0ZszJWZlGNw )