- This event has passed.
Notice of Special General Meeting, Friday 16th January 1998
Friday, 16th January 1998 @ 19:00 GMT
Notice is hereby given that in accordance with rule 11 of the Society’s Constitution a Special General Meeting of the Society will be held on:-
Commencing at 7pm prompt.
The meeting will be held in the Lecture Theatre, NMGM – Liverpool Museum, William Brown Street, Liverpool. Your prompt attendance would be appreciated so that an early start maybe made. The meeting cannot go ahead unless it is quorate, i.e. 30 members present and entitled to vote. On arriving at the Museum, you will need to sign-in and collect a ballot paper if eligible to vote.
The purpose of the meeting is to confirm the decision made by the members of the LAS Council at its meeting on December 4th 1997.
Please note that only full members, including honorary members are entitled to vote. Proxy and postal votes will NOT be allowed. It is hoped that the SGM will be as brief as possible. The January Ordinary Meeting of the LAS will immediately follow the SGM.
Please address all enquires regarding this meeting to:-
The Hon Secretary
Liverpool Astronomical Society
(Contact details removed as no longer valid)
The Result of the Vote by the Membership of the LAS present-
By a point of order the members voted to agree with the LAS Council to remove Mr David Owen from the post of
Director of the Observatories as of December 4th 1997. Votes cast:-
Yes 35
No 34
Abs 5
The amended motion (by point of order) was therefore carried.