Important Website Update
If you are a returning user, you will see that the Liverpool Astronomical Society website has changed. The previous website software was no longer suitable for our needs, and so we decided it was time to update it.
We apologise for this inconvenience, but it was necessary to ensure the security of your accounts.
You may re-register by clicking here or from the Register link at the end of main menu.
All the pages which were present on the old site have been migrated, as well as images and forum posts.
In addition, the archived version of our pre-2004 website (the light-blue one) containing many event reports and images has now been completely integrated with the new site, meaning the search function can now find those pages.
Features of the website now include:
- Drill down categories for articles – what are these and how do they work?
- The categories are listed on the right of the homepage.
You can click on a category to see the articles it contains, or click the [+] next to it to expand it, showing any sub-categories it may have. These may also have a [+] next to them.
- The categories are listed on the right of the homepage.
- Better support for smaller device screens (e.g. iPhone, Android, small monitors)
- Commenting on articles (for registered users – create an account by clicking here)
- RSS Feeds so you can be notified automatically whenever a new article is added
- A link to the main feeds can be on the menu, along with instructions on how to create custom feeds.
- Better categorisation and search results
We hope you enjoy using the new website and find it useful.
LAS Website Team